Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bunny Girl

I'm going to pause in the recounting of the TOdyssey to make an announcement that most of you have already heard.
Last week, D and I got a new pet, a rabbit we promptly renamed from Bon Bon to Bun Bun. Our reasoning is that she happens to be a lop eared rabbit who may or may not talk and may or may not be psychotic, so we may as well be prepared with the appropriate name. If you don't know what I'm referring to, I will refer you to the Sluggy Freelance link in my links section.
In the week and a half that we have had her, Bun Bun has managed to train us very well.
The first thing she did was put on an act that she was small and terrified and only wanted to be left alone in her cage. This was superb acting on her part, and we totally fell for it. We got used to leaving the top of the cage off because she seemed to feel more comfortable that way, and seemed quite content to remain in the cage.
Today, D woke to find the rabbit roaming free, having deftly escaped the cage's confines. We're not quite sure how, although it is possible she jumped. The height of the cage is not beyond her capacity to vault.
D responded to the fact that our rabbit is an escape artist by doing what I would have done in her place, letting the rabbit out of the cage and erecting the baby gate we got from her original owners instead.
Well, apparently Bun Bun can climb, as well, because I woke groggy and unpleasant to the pitter patter of sneaky rabbit feet outside the bedroom door. I woke up and there was Bun Bun, standing on her hind legs with an expectant look on her face. She took my opening of the door to be an invitation to scoot inside the bedroom and get under the bed. I barely closed the door in time because I NEVER would have gotten her out of there again. It took me another fifteen minutes to herd her back into the kitchen, and eventually resorted to scooping her up bodily, much to her dismay, and depositing her in the cage. It is now locked.
For the rest of the morning I couldn't help but feel the smugness emanating from her cage.
The rabbit is such a sneak that I've actually promoted her to this rank and D has been demoted to miscreant. I realized that in terms of sneakiness, the capacity to escape all bonds placed upon you by higher intelligences far outweighs the ability to secretly plan ways to insert culture into my life. It was not an easy decision to make.
Bun Bun has also become very accustomed to D and I in her short time with us, and now has no problem making plain her discontentment if she is not getting her way. We periodically herd her from the living room to the kitchen so that she can hang out with us while we watch TV in the living room or eat and pee in the kitchen, and she takes the trip between rooms as an opportunity to hide under the kitchen table. Well, if we try to prod her out from under the table before she's ready she gives the ground a good strong thump of dissatisfaction just to let us know she's not happy with being rushed.
One night she also peed on us. We found out this was because she was marking her territory, but I have a suspicion that deep in her heart of hearts, she really just wanted to pee on us.
She's my kind of bunny.
We get along quite well. I'm thinking of consulting with her about ways we can conspire against D. Apparently she gives D the stink eye whenever I'm not in the room, so I think she's got a vested interest in working with me to this end.
If only I could get past this damned baby gate...


Anonymous said...

Some of you may think Jeremy exaggerates. More often than not he is tell the whole truth, but in this posting there is one little flaw in which the truth is stranger than fiction.

I actually didn't wake up to Bun Bun roaming the apartment as Jeremy did several hours after I left.
I woke up, showered, dressed and whatnot before preparing the rabbits breakfast of hay and pellets. I had the top of the cage off when my phone rang.
In answering the phone and begining a conversation with my boss she jumped out of the cage and hopped out of the room only to hide under the computer desk were there is enough wiring for her to blow herself up with.
All the while I'm yelling 'get back here you.' To which my boss answers on the other end of the phone 'that's no way to talk to your boyfriend.'
And so from some 10 minutes my boss continued to talk with me about what he wanted me to do before work that morning while I crawled under the office desk to poke and prod and mix words with the rabbit.
I didn't get her back in the cage, but was able to herd her into the kitchen and secure the baby gate before leaving late for work (boss' fault, bunny's fault who knows?). The same baby gate which she can apparently hurdle.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the addition to your family! awww..bun bun....

Owning a pet is a constant battle of the wills. They usually win. They're cute, so it's worth it.

Jeremy said...

Remember that I was told about the rabbit's early morning exploits within the first two minutes of waking. I believe I've previously mentioned that this two minute period is my "mom time" where my mouth engages, my ears hear, but my brain does not register information gathered or communications received, so at best I'm left with a vague recollection that something was told to me. D is lucky I remembered anything at all and that she wasn't accused of purposefully setting free the rabbit to rain destruction on the apartment

Anonymous said...

Jeremy -- you and D eat and pee in the Kitchen? Just curious.
Love from Your mother

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.