It's time for me to come clean about something. I've alluded to it in the past, and maybe it's been missed, but I think it's important to have a frank discussion about the topic.
I like figure skating.
I don't mean I personally enjoy flouncing around on the rink like a hyperactive background dancer on wheels. What I mean to say is that when I see figure skating, I get a giddy sense of joy and pleasure tingling all through my body, and find myself unwilling to tear my gaze away. I love watching it on TV, and while I've never had the opportunity, would love to see it in person as well.
To give people an idea about the severity of this problem, I have the same sort of reaction to finding figure skating on TV that most people reserve for a friend's new baby or getting a replica Darth Vader lightsaber signed by James Earl Jones for Christmas (which would rock).
For the longest time I refused to admit it. I would only ever watch figure skating in the depths of night, when all the house was asleep and it was just me and Christi Yamaguchi, or Michelle Kwan, or their compatriots, when I could revel in their skill, in their triumphs and tragedies in private.
I realized I had a problem when D caught me watching figure skating when she came home from work one day a little bit early, and I wasn't able to change the channel in time.
I know that figure skating doesn't really hurt anyone, except for perhaps when the skaters wipe out, but hiding my love of it is unhealthy for me, pyschologically. I shouldn't keep it bottled up inside, or one day I'll find myself in sequins and not really know why.
So I'm coming out. I like figure skating. I think Triple Salchows are awe inspiring.
I even like the music.
So ridicule me if you like, but I'm proud of my love of figure skating and I have no reason to be ashamed.
I am a skating afficionado. Hear me roar!
jer, that is nothing to be ashamed of. i used to watch gymnastics all the time when i was growing up. i am still like that when curling comes on the tv. it is mesmerizing, and i can't turn myself away from the television.
we all have our guilty little pleasures, mine is the sound of a shapely piece of granite sliding down the ice to men and women calling out "hurry!! hurry hard!!"
My name is phil, and i am a curling-aholic.
don't be ashamed - be proud! it is our likeness of unusual things that makes us interesting to others.
and after our whole spanking discussion you get a few points back for liking something so delicate and sweet.
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