Friday, March 2, 2007


Okay, just in case everyone didn't read my response to the previous post, I would like to be very clear about a few things.

I will never criticise any of my friends on this blog, either in subtext or overtly, and if something in one of my comments makes you feel like I have, I apologize in advance and if necessary, I will DELETE the offending post.

I love all my friends openly and completely, every fibre of each and every one of you is important to me and all of you are JUST as important to me as every other. None of you are better to me than any other, all of you are equal in my heart and mind, merely different in many wonderful ways.

While I will play the devil's advocate I will never play it in order to deride someone, or put someone down. As you may have seen previously when I play the devil's advocate I make sure that all fire and venom I might incite gets aimed squarely at me, and I make no effort to spread that around to others.

Finally, my blog is about posing entertaining questions, provocative if possible, and telling funny stories. I'm not using this as a soapbox for harsh thoughts and feelings towards anyone except for perhaps nebulous public organizations and the occasional stranger who may have incited my wrath. It will never be a place I come to be negative about my friends or family.

If my previous post was offensive to anyone, that was unintentional, as I was engaging in idle speculation.

Ooh! Look! Something on the ground I can read! La...tex... con...dom. I'd sure like to live in one of those!

EDIT: The previous post was deleted.


Mel said...

I don't mean to keep at this topic, I can see you're trying to move beyond it. I know you would never knowingly hurt your friends.

Here's the issue. You brought up ambition. You decided some people were ambitious, and some were not. But you never said why you made that determination. And even though you've apologised for any hurt, you've basically said that you love us all regardless of whether we are ambitious or not. Which means that you may very well think that we are still not ambitous.

In order to classify some friends as ambitous and some as not ambitious you must have an idea of what ambition consists in. If you clarified what ambition was, when you are talking about it, that may really help the issue. Maybe the way you define it, I would not want that word attached to me. Perhaps the way you define it is a perfect example of my life. But I can't figure that out until you provide more information.

If you want to discuss ambition without defining it yourself, then ask everyone to comment on whether they view themselves as ambitious, and why or why not. It is an interesting question.

Jeremy said...

Okay, obviously I stated my question wrong because your final point is exactly what I was trying to get at, in a roundabout way. discuss.